Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It wasn't bad enough that we flew a communist flag at the White house and now we are showering the Empire State building with Red and Yellow to celebrate the 60th year of China being Communist!This is an outrage to America and what we stand for.Read our constitution and start practicing these principles in all our affairs.Only fools who could not see through the BS Obama was spewing forth voted for this man. He is not a Chrisitan and should not be our President.People wanted change but I don't think they realized the change would be that we would kiss ass to all the Communist nations of the world and allow our selves to be taken over by communism.Please stop this avenue we are proceeding down.

By anonymous


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  3. Lmao what kind of delusional alternate reality have you been you living in?? Yeah we sure have fallen to communism under obama with all these neo liberal policies hes passed and the massive disparities of wealth we still have. Yeah and nothing grotesque or racist about believing that barack isnt a christian because of his name and skin color either. I live in the morongo basin and if i ever saw you in person I wouldnt know whether to burst out laughing or be deeply disturbed that such an absurdly ridiculous and looney person exists
