Friday, October 2, 2009

Who is the Tea Party Express?

Tea Party Express *IS* Our Country Deserves Better, a GOP Political Action Committee (PAC). It's ONLY purpose is to raise funds (the definition of a PAC) to give specifically to *GOP* candidates OF THEIR CHOICE. The Tea Party Patriots (formal organization) *IS* a non-partisan 501(c)4 devoted to limited government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional principles. Tea Party IE ("my" group) is not a legal entity at all, just an association of people. Tea Party Express/Our Country Deserves Better is not the Tea Party movement, and not affiliated with Tea Party Patriots. In fact, I will tell you that they are attempting to usurp the movement as a GOP movement; presenting themselves publicly *as* the Tea Party Movement/Leadership...people, this is outrageous deception. Yes, Amy Kremer, one of the princples of Tea Party Patriots went against the majority vote of the Tea Party Patriot leadership/officers (3 to ONE, her), and decided to join and travel with the Tea Party Express...but Amy Kremer is not the Tea Party movement either. And, as much as I worked with her over the past few months, I can only conclude that "flattery" (even though never showcased, promoted, or introduced as a leader or spokesperson of Tea Party Patriots) got the better of her. The Tea Party does not have any "rock stars" "one face" represents us; we ARE "We the People" with a unified voice of dissatisfaction with our government, and effecting change that we desire. I am extremely disappointed with her naivety or poor judgement, whichever the case may be. Furthermore, Tea Party Express/Our Country Deserves Better have gone to lengths to undermine the Tea Party movement in CA, specifically. (See attachment.) Therefore, I will not support, endorse, or forward their events or information. It would also be my personal request that you not support their events, or donate to their organization, unless they stop these deceptive tactics. (They are planning a bus tour in CA during October, with scheduled stops along the way...calling them "Tea Parties"...when, in fact, they are GOP FUNDRAISERS.) The Tea Party movement is not top-down coalition of people, it is bottom-up, TRUE grassroots. It is not candidate or personality based, it is ISSUE based. If you find a candidate that shares YOUR values, then you should support, donate to, and campaign for them, regardless of party affiliation. Period. That has ALWAYS been the position of the Tea Party formal, since I joined as an organizer in March. And it is a sincere position. We are not, and never have been, a GOP organization. The "Movement" crosses all party lines and peripheral/social issues. That is our strength. And the "politicos" don't like it. We, you and I, are the Tea Party movement...across the nation, millions of "sick and tired of politics as usual, wreckless spending and ignorance/defiance of our Constitution, by BOTH parties" citizens, and this movement will not be hijacked by poseurs with a different agenda than those who are ALREADY EFFECTING CHANGE, and *ARE* the grassroots movement: YOU! 2010 will be a VERY significant election year. The politicos are very fearful of "the People" which is right where they should be. They are free to join with us at any time, but they will not be allowed to deceptively steer the movement for their own goals without *me* pointing it out to you. In other words, they need to get with OUR program, not us with theirs. Be wise in choosing whom you support. I look for integrity, above all, even when I vehemently disagree with people's, or organizations', positions. Tea Party Express/Our Country Deserves Better has not conducted itself with integrity. I am very sorry to have to say all of this to you. Please share this information.

By Laura Boatright

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