Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It wasn't bad enough that we flew a communist flag at the White house and now we are showering the Empire State building with Red and Yellow to celebrate the 60th year of China being Communist!This is an outrage to America and what we stand for.Read our constitution and start practicing these principles in all our affairs.Only fools who could not see through the BS Obama was spewing forth voted for this man. He is not a Chrisitan and should not be our President.People wanted change but I don't think they realized the change would be that we would kiss ass to all the Communist nations of the world and allow our selves to be taken over by communism.Please stop this avenue we are proceeding down.

By anonymous

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Congress?s Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - HUMAN EVENTS

Congress?s Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - HUMAN EVENTS

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As you know I was able to attend 912DC where over 1.5 million Americans stood in front of the Capitol and yelled out, "CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?"
I don't know about you, but my message is not to Democrats alone.
The increase in government and lessening of our Liberty has been bipartisan practice.
I am not content with politics as usual. And I'll be darned if our hard work is going to go unnoticed, or IGNORED by the Party that claims to be "with us" ideologically (even while continuing to throw Palin under the bus every chance they get, and thinks the problem is "branding"...CLUE!)
Our schools are a mess of cost-increasing Union-controlled inefficiency and Marxist indoctrination...that no one seemed to notice until a Presidential address to students? They have been for DECADES!
Spend and tax (yes, intentionally placed in that order) have ruled DC for DECADES!
Quid pro quo back room deals have been the practice for DECADES! Pork and earmarks....DECADES!
Erosion of our Constitution? DECADES!
Yet, a friend of mine who attended the recent CAGOP convention (CRC), came back with the news that the GOP (proper) thanks us (the Tea Party movement), but wants us to sit down, shut up, and let them (the "professionals") run the show...politics as usual.
Read this, if you still aren't convinced:
Rumors From California: NRSC Persuades Larry Elder Not to Run. Says Fiorina Won’t Win But Will Tie Up Resources.
If Elder chose to run, they would not support him.
The NRSC was already committed to supporting Carly Fiorina
The NRSC expected Fiorina to lose against Boxer, but expected her to tie up Democrat resources in the meantime.
Carly Fiorina? I am sick and tired of the state that gave the nation Ronald Reagan being told that "real conservatives can't win here"...then being totally ABANDONED by the GOP.
I'm not saying that Larry should, or shouldn't run...I am talking about them committing to a RINO at best. (Meg Whitman, too. Neither of them even VOTED regularly in the past..."too busy" for absentee ballots?) And "politics as usual"....
Why are we fighting? Did they think it was because of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid? If so, let me make it clear to them: I'm sick and tired of ALL OF YOU! (With very darned FEW exceptions!)
California, of ALL states, cannot afford NEWBIES to "politics" (those who couldn't take time out to vote for our leadership?? I've NEVER been too busy to vote!)...what can I say about the GOP forwarding candidates that they don't even think can WIN?? Sorry, but I don't play to lose, you? Is that how their donation campaigns were going to read? "We can't win, but please send your hard earned money to make the DNC spend more of theirs." GOOD GRIEF!
Speak out, Republicans! Replace our party officials with YOU. Run for local offices YOURSELF! (San Bernardino County needs some HELP! The Good Ole Boys Club is falling down, and deservedly so.)
I write to Republicans, because I am a Republican..."clean our own house" and leave the Democrats to clean theirs.

Pretty. simple. really.

by ~Laura Boatright Tea Party IE volunteer organizer

Join the Tea Party- Revolution Is Brewing! "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell, author of "1984"

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party misses the key ingredient

I had a conversation with a Libertarian last night and as I agree with some of their platform they are missing the main ingredient, God.

Example: Criminal Justice – would eliminate all anti drug laws and legalize prostitution. Would end random police roadblock. ( Well, of course you would eliminate roadblocks, you don’t want all the drunk and high citizens pulled over all the time)

Personal Relationships – Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships.

Reproductive Rights- PRO-CHOICE ( voting pro-choice is the same as murder to me.)

LGBT rights- Opposes “don’t ask, don’t tell. Believes that marriage is a private contract, and should yield no government benefits regardless of the gender of the partner.

And on a separate note, Libertarians are for an open border.

The Libertarian Party is missing the God factor, so I could never be a Libertarian or vote for the above platform. We do see eye to eye on many fiscal issues but you lose me on the social issues. I am called by my higher power to vote Pro-life, restrict marriage to be between a man and a woman and NOT legalize prostitution and drugs. We are a Judeo/Christian country and the Libertarians missed the intent of our founding fathers. Without God we have nothing, I have nothing. This country morals have slowly been in decline since the 50’s, coincidently the same time God came under attack by the Progressives. Yes, I want God back and thank God most Americans feel the same way.

Stop Allowing The Left To Set The Rules

Stop Allowing The Left To Set The Rules

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Huck PAC - Blogs - It's Time To Get Out of the United Nations

Huck PAC - Blogs - It's Time To Get Out of the United Nations

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Message to Family and Friends!

Well, I'm sure most of my family and friends can tell I've really been on a mission lately. Along the way I have managed to cause some of my family who joined me on facebook to block me completely. I however, would NEVER block a family member or friend. There's this little botton I can hit to hide your messages but I'm a huge fan of free speech.I'm new to blogging, this is my second posting but I plan on posting lots more and actively participating in the revolution taking place to bring my country back to the vision of our founding fathers. The government was never suppose to take care of us cradle to grave. We are a unique country, different then any other country and we are strong for a reason. This country was founded on Christian values and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Jesus is the core, the most important part of my life and without Him I have nothing. I've had to overcome many hardships in my life and this country will also have to overcome much, so it's so important to keep God the center focus in this country. Sadly the progressives and atheists have done everything they can to remove God from everything. "We hold these thruths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The right to LIFE ! Abortion is a sin promoted by Planned Parenthood. Why should any of our tax dollars go to an industry promoting death, God has very strong words to those who harm the unborn. I could do an entire blog on this subject. Fellow Americans, this is no time to be a lukewarm Chrstian. God is very clear on what is sin in the bible and abortion is sin.
Well, I've also enjoyed meeting fellow Patriots from all over the country. I'm over joyed to say that I am not alone and the fight coming 2010-2012 will be amazing and historical, so glad to be apart of it. In the coming months I will be compiling a list of Patriot candidates from all parties that voted for free market,democracy and not bailouts, stimulus bills or Healthcare. I will be publishing their voting records and letting the facts be known to all. Meg Whitman and Gavin Newsom, I can already tell you you're not on the Patriots list. I would love to hear from other fellow Patriots and compare notes. Thanks to my very patient husband who has been so supportive of my passion for politics and encourages me, I love you so much! To my children, I love you both and hope you stay true to your faith,values and speak with boldness without fear!! God bless America!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gov't gag order 'unprecedented' (

Gov't gag order 'unprecedented' (

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Your input on Glenn Beck, please

Your input on Glenn Beck, please

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Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck has given me hope! After the 2008 election I weeped,lost hope for my country and my fellow Americans. I watched Obama tell the American people and the world who he was, who he surrounded himself with and yet we still elected him. When Glenn Beck introduced the 9-12 project I gathered some friends to the house and shared his message.I went to my very first protest on Tax Tuesday and finally saw that I wasn't alone. Glenn has given me resources and given us hope again. I started a Tea Party group in our little town and had 115+ Patriots gathered on Sept. 12th and was featured on the front page of our newspaper. Our group is always growing and it's wonderful to network with like minded people who love this country! We are not alone and yes we surround them, I have seen the fruits of our labor! I have gotten off the couch and feel like I can make a difference!God bless America!